Monday, October 8, 2012

We Thank Thee, O God, For A Prophet...

We are SO blessed to have the opportunity to listen to General Conference! It is such a gift. A reminder that God lives, and loves us enough to keep a Prophet...a mouthpiece for Him...on the earth, to lead us back to Him.

The counsel we receive twice a year from the Lord's servants is a priceless gift. For they speak the things He wants and needs us to know, or to remember.

Recently a man was giving a talk in his Sacrament Meeting, and spoke of his friend Tom, from Fiji. One day he was talking to Tom and asked him why he would ever move from Fiji, as it is practically paradise! Tom's response was simple, immediate, and quite moving...He said, "I wanted to be close to the Prophet." Powerful stuff there!

Do we fully appreciate the fact that we have a living Prophet in our midst? One who continually speaks to us. Do we listen? Do we seize every opportunity to listen to his voice? Do we follow the counsel he gives?

Our thoughts turn to those early pioneers...Would we have done as they did? Would we have left behind our homes and all we held dear to follow his counsel, and him, to an unknown place? And even more humbling is to think of those Saints who came from other countries to follow! They wanted to be near him. And in faith they followed him. Knowing, that he truly was a prophet of God.

Let us be as faith filled...To be near to the prophet. Maybe not physically. But spiritually. Let us follow his counsel, for we know with surety where it will lead...Back to the loving arms of our Father and Savior.

Here is a song by The Nashville Tribute Band, that exemplifies the faith of those early pioneers...

"We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us in these latter days..."

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